The End of Flash

When I was a student in school a whole new world opened up with the boom of the internet. Back then with slow modems and AOL access software which was shared on CD-ROMs. From the beginning on my friends and I tried to scope out how much you could do with the world wide web. How much "multi media" and how much interaction could you send through these tiny pipes.Obviously in these wild times of the 90ies the company macromedia and their incredibly promising flash / shockwave product attracted our attention.Well time moves on. Flash's is quite a similar fate to that of other 90ies stars like Netscape or Nokia (for completely different reasons though). There were so many exciting options with Flash in the 90ies: Interactions beyond having to input a form and press submit + real rich animations including vector shape modifications. However the world moved on and the pipes became bigger and the interaction frameworks surrounding dynamic HTML and several JavaScript engines matured so quickly. Steve Jobs famously condemned flash in 2010. And the highly optimized browsing platforms of modern day laptops just can't really run Flash in a secure, non-annoying and battery-saving way.So even the now-Flash-Owner Adobe has realized: Flash has to be decommissioned. with my positive experience in the 90ies and with looking at the long Flash history, I wanted to reiterate. It is good that Flash will die. But it has had its place in digital history. 


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