Who Knows This Font?
To reconstruct an old Logo design which I did myself and which I found very successful - I am searching for the font displayed in the image below. The Logo was done in 1999 and I lost it after making several moves to new PC platforms etc. Here is the sample image that I found recently:Using several of the search engines mentioned here I was able to identify the following samples (which are not the right fonts but they are very close):Yearling-RegularClicker Cond BoldBareback NormalClicker SemiboldIt's so great that there are even set processes out there to identify fonts. So if you know what font I mean just drop me a line in the comments here in the blog or go to my investigation case to "what-the-font". Thanks!UPDATE:It looks like a fellow user at "what-the-font" has successfully identified the font! The desired logo font should be Agency FB. You can find samples of the font and further information here.